Archive for August 2018

Southwest Public Health District News: August is National Immunization Awareness Month

Press Release courtesy of the Southwest Georgia Public Health District
Protect your family by getting immunized
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
ALBANY-August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and Southwest Health District is reminding area residents that vaccines protect families as well as children, says Rebecca Snow, Southwest Health District’s Immunization Coordinator.
“Vaccines are our best defense against vaccine-preventable diseases,” she said. “This National Immunization Awareness Month, we urge parents to get themselves and their families up to date on their vaccinations.”
August serves as a reminder that people of all ages require timely vaccinations to protect their health, Snow said. “It is a perfect time to make vaccination a priority in our communities.”
She continued, “Vaccinations protect you and they protect others around you; especially infants and those individuals who are unable to be immunized or who have weakened immune systems.”
Vaccines protect families, teens and children by preventing disease. They help avoid expensive therapies and hospitalization needed to treat infectious diseases like influenza and pneumococcal disease. Vaccinations also reduce absences both at school and at work and decrease the spread of illness in the home, workplace and community.
The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend everyone 6 months old and older get vaccinated against seasonal influenza, Snow noted.
“The focus of vaccinations often lies on young children, but it’s just as important for teens, college students and adults to stay current on their vaccinations.” Snow said.
“This August, protect your family by getting vaccinated,” she said. “Southwest Health District reminds adults and parents to check with their county health department or other health care provider for their current vaccination recommendations.”
Safe and effective vaccines are available to protect adults and children alike against potentially life-threatening diseases such as tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, meningococcal disease, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, shingles, measles, mumps, rubella, pneumococcal, polio and varicella (chickenpox). “Talk to your health care provider or visit your public health department and get immunized today,” Snow said.
More information about immunizations is available at
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Podcast: Phoebe Putney Health System approves new budget

(File Photo: Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital Logo and Tower-by Walter L. Johnson II)

In this latest installment of the Southwest Georgia Network, Phoebe Putney Health System Chief Financial Officer Brian Church explains the new budget for the fiscal year 2019, as well as the importance of managing increasing costs, while also trying to recruit and retain new and current employees.

Follow the Southwest Georgia Network on Twitter @swganetwork.

Hear the news as it’s happening at, Southwest Georgia’s only true radio news report, offline or online.

EDUCATION MONTH: 2018-2019 Back-To-School Dates

(Photo by Walter L. Johnson II)

By Walter L. Johnson II

A new school year for the Dougherty County School System starts later today (Thursday).

But other districts and schools in the Southwest Georgia Network coverage area will have already either started or will soon start their academic years by the time this article is posted.

In fact, the Terrell County School System started its school year last Thursday (July 26), while classes in Lee County won’t begin until Tuesday, August 7. Deerfield-Windsor School will follow three days later, on Friday, August 10.

Other private schools in the Albany area will have various start dates as well, with Byne Christian School beginning its academic year Friday, Sherwood Christian Academy on August 10, and St. Teresa’s Catholic School on Monday, August 13.

Here are the starting dates for other schools and districts in the Southwest Georgia Network coverage area as follows, in alphabetical order:

Baconton Community Charter School (Baconton): Thursday, August 9

Calhoun County: Monday, August 6

Mitchell County: Tuesday, August 7

Pataula Charter Academy (Edison): Wednesday, August 8

Pelham City Schools (Pelham): Friday, August 3

Terrell Academy (Dawson): Thursday, August 9

Worth County:  Monday, August 13

Follow the Southwest Georgia Network on Twitter @swganetwork.

COMING SOON: Hear the news as it’s happening at, Southwest Georgia’s only true radio news report, offline or online.



(Photo by Walter L. Johnson II)

By Walter L. Johnson II

August is here, and so is a new school year here in Southwest Georgia.

With that in mind, effective immediately with this post, the Southwest Georgia Network has declared August “Education Month”.

During “Education Month”, we’ll talk to educational leaders and administrators throughout Albany, Dougherty County, and surrounding communities in Southwest Georgia, discussing their plans and aspirations for the 2018-2019 academic year. This includes, but is not limited to, interviews at public, private, and charter schools in our area, as well as officials at Albany State University, Albany Technical College, and other institutions within the region.

As always, remember to follow the Southwest Georgia Network on Twitter @swganetwork. And if there’s an educational leader that you want to be profiled during “Education Month”, please send a message to

Follow the Southwest Georgia Network on Twitter @swganetwork.

COMING SOON: Hear the news as it’s happening at, Southwest Georgia’s only true radio news report, offline or online.

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