Dougherty County schools to re-open Monday

Press Release courtesy of the Dougherty County School System

ALBANY – Dougherty County Schools will resume normal operations on Monday, October 22, Superintendent Kenneth Dyer has announced.

The district has been closed to students since Hurricane Michael came ashore as a Category 4 storm on October 10. While schools suffered only minor damage, widespread power outages throughout Dougherty County prevented schools from reopening sooner.

“In terms of power restoration, the recovery has been incredible,” Superintendent Kenneth Dyer said. “Initially, we anticipated power being out for possibly weeks. Here we are a week after the storm and, with a few exceptions, power has largely been restored. This is a testament to the preparation and response of our city and county leaders, utility workers and first responders as well as neighbors-helping-neighbors to ramp-up recovery efforts.”

As students return, the district will work through its Department of Student Support Services and with partner organizations to provide mental/emotional support to those students who may suffer from issues related to the storm.

Again, we thank our first responders, linemen and other disaster recovery personnel for their hard work and dedication as they helped to restore our community.

In the unlikely event schools won’t be ready to open by Monday, the district will notify parents through its website, mobile app, social and traditional media and a mass call-out.


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